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The power revolution

This article is an adaptation of a Norwegian op-ed published in Haugesunds Avis on October 31, 2023.

Konsesjon strøm  olje og energiminister Terje Aasland

Bernt Jæger, Managing Director of Haugalandet Chamber of Commerce and Terje Aasland, Minister of Oil and Energy at Haugaland Business Park (Photo: Sigmund Lier)

The recent approval by the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy for Statnett's new 420 kV power line project, connecting Blåfalli in Kvinnherad to Gismarvik and Haugaland Business Park, marks a significant milestone that deserves recognition and appreciation across our region. Here are five compelling reasons for us to celebrate:

1. Enhanced appeal for new establishments:

The availability of clean and reliable energy from Blåfalli positions Haugalandet as an attractive destination for new businesses. This valuable asset, renewable, clean, and consistent power, gives our region a distinct competitive edge and fosters an environment for future growth. Gard Madsen, Director of Invest in Norway, acknowledges the significance of this development: "Foreign industrial players are seeking large areas and significant amounts of renewable power. There are few locations that currently offer this combination. With Haugaland Business Park now gaining increased access to power, it's excellent news that will significantly boost competitiveness. This has not only regional but also national importance”.

2. Blue hydrogen and CO2 storage:

The expanded power access will not only encourage general technological innovation but also create opportunities for blue hydrogen production and temporary CO2 storage. This potential is pivotal for advancing sustainability, positioning Haugalandet at the forefront of green energy solutions in the years to come.

3. Talent attraction:

The growth of high-tech workplaces and industries naturally makes our region more appealing to potential newcomers, fostering the retention of young talents. The competition for skilled professionals has never been fiercer.

4. Strengthening existing key companies:

The power from Blåfalli lays the groundwork for sustainable growth in Haugaland Business Park while supporting industry leaders like Hydro, Kårstø, and Aibel in achieving their environmental goals. Increased competitiveness not only enhances the attractiveness of these companies but also positions our region as an ideal destination for businesses seeking alliances and synergies with these industry leaders.

5. Heightened regional competitiveness:

Investments in our region not only elevate Haugalandet's competitiveness but also make it an appealing prospect for international investors who appreciate the value of sustainable development.

In conclusion, we are fortunate to have had politicians and key figures who were forward-thinking and understood the need for new power early on, and who have now put the region on the map as a pioneering region.

I would also like to commend the employees at the business park who have maintained momentum throughout the process in collaboration with Statnett, The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate, and the ministry.

We look forward to joining the next chapter in Haugalandet's history – a chapter marked by green growth, job development, and a healthy dose of pride!