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Mature solutions for CCS at Haugalandet

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On Thursday, October 26th, CCS Haugalandet hosted an engaging evening seminar focusing on the crucial topic of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). This event brought together industry leaders and experts to discuss innovative solutions for the transport and storage of CO2, addressing the pressing need to combat climate change.

Key participants
CCS Haugalandet is an industrial collaboration between Haugaland Business Park, Hydro, Eramet, Equinor, and Gassco. The participants are currently conducting a technical-economic analysis of common infrastructure for CO2 transport, with the goal of significantly reducing the costs associated with this part of the value chain.

"It's incredibly exciting to have over 80 registrations for our seminar. In attendance (both physically and digitally) were local and national business actors, both within the CCS value chain and those in need of the solutions, as well as local and regional politicians," said Karoline Sjøen Andersen, project manager for CCS Haugalandet.

Transport solutions
Karoline Sjøen Andersen presented the various transport scenarios that CCS Haugalandet has analyzed in its technical-economic study. The most cost-effective solution so far involves transporting CO2 via pipelines from Hydro to Haugaland Business Park and from Kårstø to Haugaland Business Park, with Eramet using boats for transport. This solution could lead to significant savings, up to 80% for several of the collaborating parties. A public report will be presented at the final seminar before Christmas. The date and location for the final seminar will be announced in November.

Innovative CO2 transport technology
Per Lothe from the Haugesund company KNOCC shared insights into their proprietary technology for CO2 transport on ships. This innovative technology is not limited to their own ships; it can be adapted for use on various vessels. Furthermore, it can store CO2 at different pressure levels. KNOCC has already established a small-scale CO2 test center in Haugesund, demonstrating their commitment to advancing CCS technology.

International collaboration for CCS
Ola Nestaas from Gassco provided an overview of the German-Norwegian energy collaboration, which is exploring the potential for transporting hydrogen and/or CO2 through pipelines connecting Norway and Germany. The study's findings confirm the feasibility of CO2 transport via pipelines, and the project is exploring options for reusing existing pipeline infrastructure on the continental shelf while also considering the creation of new pipelines.

Permanent CO2 storage
Kirsten Haaberg from Gassnova delivered an excellent presentation explaining how to permanently store CO2 on the Norwegian continental shelf. There are many safe storage sites for CO2 on the Norwegian continental shelf, and Kirsten explained what a typical storage site looks like and how it evolves over time with CO2 injection.

Future CO2 hub
Morten Sola of Horisont Energi provided an update on the planned CO2 hub in Haugaland Business Park, which may be ready to receive CO2 by 2028. He also discussed how they have already adapted the design to accommodate smaller local emissions through pipelines or truck transport. This will be crucial infrastructure for local and regional industries that need to find solutions for managing their emissions toward 2030 and 2050.

The world needs CCS to achieve climate goals, and it's reassuring to hear that the technology is mature and ready, the industry is eager, and the Norwegian continental shelf is an excellent place for the permanent and safe storage of CO2.


For more information about CCS Haugalandet or Haugalandet Business Park, contact the below:




Karoline Sjøen Andersen

Project Manager, CCS Haugalandet

Tel: +47 414 08 350


Tiril Fjeld

CEO, Haugaland Business Park

Tel: +47 404 82 788